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Story #Alumni#Internationales

Perfect preparation for a career in international companies

Proud to be a graduate: Alumni Success Stories

Nadine Hampel graduated from the Master Programme “International Business and Export Management” at IMC Krems in June 2019. Currently, she is working as Programme Manager for Manufacturing & Technology at Arcadis Germany GmbH in Berlin, and she is also our new Ambassador for the Alumni Chapter Berlin.

Nadine Hampel

IMC Alumni Ambassador Nadine Hampel is working as Programme Manager for Manufacturing & Technology at Arcadis Germany GmbH in Berlin

 I decided to go for the Master Programme " International Business and Export Management" at IMC Krems because of its small classes, the international focus and the third semester, which includes practical experience. I focused on business development, which also enabled me to further develop my account management skills while working as an intern at a consulting company. I was able to write my master thesis with my current company, which paved the way for the position I am now holding.

Profit from cooperation with fellow students

During my studies at IMC Krems I enjoyed the close cooperation with my fellow students. The best days were those when I was able to connect with my colleagues. As we had many group projects, we got to experience hands-on what the working environment would be like after graduation. The practical aspects of my studies were very useful.

Best preparation for the current job

Some features were exceptionally useful for my current job: the opportunity to work in teams, the international focus, project management, marketing aspects as well as writing the master thesis. I am currently working at an engineering consulting company as a programme manager and account manager for our technology clients. I am responsible for expanding and growing our current tech client base. Some of our day-to-day work includes strategy development, project delivery and management, business development and account management. As the digital leader for our tech sector, I am also responsible for acquiring new clients and digital projects as well as writing thought leadership pieces around data analytics.  

My tip

The study programmes at IMC Krems offer many practical and work-specific aspects. Do your best to make the most of them because they are what really prepares you for the job world.

New IMC Alumni Ambassador Berlin

What motivates me to assume the role as Alumni Ambassador is the opportunity to network and build/cultivate relationships. In my opinion, the Alumni Network provides an excellent platform to meet people with whom you share a common denominator, while our diverse backgrounds and path of life make the connections even more worthwhile. I also want to pass on some of the commitment and initiative I have experienced from IMC Krems faculty members as well as former students since completing my studies and contribute to the creation of further pleasurable Alumni experiences.

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