Logo IMC Fachhochschule Krems
Event #Info Events#Internationales

You ask - We answer

Interactive Q&A Session for International Prospective Students

Join Doris Molnar from the International Welcome Center and Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner from the Prospective Student Advisory Service and Admission as they address all your inquiries regarding studying at IMC Krems in Austria. We will discuss topics relevant to your decision-making process, including the vibrancy and safety of Krems as a study destination, the application and admission process, finding accommodation, visa and residence permit formalities, opportunities for student employment, and many more.

15:00 - 16:30

Diese Veranstaltung wird empfohlen für:

  • Interessierte Öffentlichkeit
  • Explore our educational offer and the admission requirements
  • Receive guidance on the application and admission procedure
  • Gain insights into accommodation options and life in Krems
  • Receive guidance on the entry/visa procedure for Austria
  • Learn more about the range of services IMC Krems provides

We are looking forward to making you feel at home even before your journey to IMC Krems has started.


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