IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

How to find a part-time job

Want to earn some extra money while you’re studying? Many companies offer student jobs, both in the form of contracts for specific services and also...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Getting around in Krems without your own car

Don’t have a car? No problem! There are lots of other ways to get around in Krems. Whether you take a bus, use a ride share option, hire a car or go...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Starting your degree – checklist

You’ve got a place on a degree programme, and now the first semester is just around the corner. From apartments to finances and scholarships: we’ve...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Open to all – online courses for budding wine experts

In challenging times like the Covid-19 pandemic, online courses help to make learning more accessible – and now that even applies to the world of...

#International Wine Business #Forschung #Nachhaltigkeit
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Our tips for your start at IMC Krems

For many future bachelor students*, starting their first degree is an exciting time in every way, which comes with far-reaching personal changes. For...

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