IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Full-time or part-time?

If you’re thinking of studying for a degree, you might be wondering whether to choose a full-time or part-time programme, or one that’s compatible...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle #Vollzeit #Berufsbegleitend
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Top tips for applying for a UoAS degree programme

You’ve found your dream degree at a university of applied sciences (or FH in German) and now you want to make sure of getting a place on the...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Why do UoAS use an admissions procedure?

Because there are only a limited number of places on the degree programmes offered by Austrian universities of applied sciences. The admissions...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

University or university of applied sciences?

We’ve put together some of the most important differences between a university and a university of applied sciences.

In Austria you can choose to do...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Didn't graduate high school but still want to go to uni?

Dreaming of a degree, but don’t have the school-leaving certificate to do it? Don’t worry! There are still some options open for you if you want to...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle #Studieren ohne Matura