IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

You’ve finished high school – so what’s next?

You’ve already got your school-leaving certificate – in Austria it’s called a Matura – in your back pocket? First of all: congratulations! Perhaps now...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Which degree programme is the right one for me?

Wow, there are just so many to choose from! Austrian universities offer a total of more than 3,500 degree programmes – including 700 only found at...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Why should I come to one of your info events?

Most people think that everything they need to know about their degree programme is posted online. But is that really true? We take a look at some of...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle #Angebote für Schülerinnen und Schüler
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Is studying the right option for me?

You already have a school leaving qualification in your pocket and you’re starting to wonder: what next? Or you’re already working and thinking about...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle
IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

How to find a part-time job

Want to earn some extra money while you’re studying? Many companies offer student jobs, both in the form of contracts for specific services and also...

#Hochschule #Hochschule für alle