IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Top ten Krems tips (plus bonus tip!)

International bars and restaurants, markets, arthouse cinema: when it comes to leisure time activities, the town of Krems can easily hold its own...

IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

How much does it cost to live in Krems?

Rent, food, public transport: here, we take a look at how much everything costs in Krems. We’ve put together a list of average prices. You can expect...

IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Move to Krems or commute?

You’ve got a place on a degree programme in Krems and now you’re wondering whether you should start looking for a new place to live while you’re...

IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

How much does it cost to study in Austria?

Do I have to pay tuition fees (you might sometimes see them called study fees)? It’s a question that everybody who’s starting a degree asks. We take a...

IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems

Can I do my degree in English?

Do you want to start studying at a university or university of applied sciences where courses are held in English? Go for it! You don’t need to be a...

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