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Press #Hochschule#Master Lounge#Info Events

IMC Krems’ Master Lounge on 24 January 2019

Get off to a great start on your way to a master degree.

The decision to take a master degree needs careful consideration – you’ll be building on your existing knowledge and opting for specific academic pathways.

Master - Lounge

Prospective students can find out about IMC Krems’ master programmes at the Master Lounge event on 24 January 2019 from 4-7pm.

The decision to take a master degree needs careful consideration – you’ll be building on your existing knowledge and opting for specific academic pathways. A master degree is a great foundation for getting your career off to a successful start or seizing new opportunities. IMC Krems offers master programmes in business, digitalisation and engineering, health, and life sciences. Some of them are taught exclusively in English, and also offered in full and part-time formats. Prospective students can find out about IMC Krems’ master programmes at the Master Lounge event on 24 January 2019 from 4-7pm.


Become an expert

A bachelor degree equips you with foundational knowledge and provides the platform you need to specialise and become an expert in your chosen field on a master programme. IMC Krems’ Master Lounge is a chance for bachelor degree graduates to get information and advice in a relaxed setting, and discuss the details of the university’s master programmes face to face.

What you can look forward to at the Master Lounge:

  • Degree programme presentations to get an overview of course content
  • The opportunity to talk to students and programme directors in person
  • Tips on applying and the admissions procedure

IMC Master Lounge, 24 January 2019

IMC Campus Krems

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