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Above-average satisfaction with the studies

Study confirms once again this year the high student satisfaction at IMC Krems

With a dream grade of 8.5 out of 10 possible points, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems has scored excellent results in the most important category, student satisfaction, in the "Universum Talent Research 2020". Satisfaction with the career services was rated at an outstanding 7.7 points.

Studierende am IMC Campus Krems

Year after year, IMC Krems achieves above-average results in the student survey "Universum Talent Research" - both in terms of student satisfaction and career services.

Simply satisfied: Students would choose IMC Krems again

This year, IMC Krems once again achieved above-average results in the category "university satisfaction", achieving an overall score of 8.5 out of 10 possible points. 32% of the students even stated that they were "extremely satisfied" with their choice of university. These are absolute top values. By way of comparison: On average in Austria, only 9% are "extremely satisfied" with their university, the overall satisfaction level is 7.2 out of 10 points.

In addition to general satisfaction with the university, the survey also asked whether students would choose the same university again if they had to choose another university. Here, too, the results for the University of Applied Sciences Krems are very positive: 95 % of the students would choose IMC FH Krems again.

International, modern, innovative & well organised

These are the qualities that most of the students of IMC Krems associate with the university of applied sciences. The unique and high-quality study programmes, the excellent lecturers, the creative and dynamic atmosphere and the large number of international fellow students are also positively emphasised.

Students particularly appreciate the friendly and professional environment at the university, the excellent education, the opportunity to study abroad and the location at the gates of the Wachau. With regard to career entry after graduation, the focus on professional development, the good employment opportunities and the university's good reputation among employers are particularly appreciated.

A turbo for the start of the career

A competent partner for the start of one's career is the service department IMC Career Center. It offers students real added value during their studies and provides them with support and advice. The online job platform "Jobteaser", which has been in operation since September 2018, also produces top results: With 2,513 registrations and more than 2,000 job offers per year, this platform plays an important role in the search for internships and jobs for both students and graduates. As many as 76% of students use the services offered by the IMC Career Center. Here, too, the satisfaction with the career services, at 7.7 points, is far above the Austrian average of 6.2.

Another important association of students with IMC Krems are the successful alumni. This perception is reinforced by the services and social media communication of Alumni Relations.

Pioneering role and high quality of teaching

"We are really very pleased that we have been able to achieve such above-average results in the Universum Talent Research study in the categories of career services, image and reputation of our UAS for almost 10 years in a row. As an internationally oriented university of applied sciences, we have to be "ahead", tread innovative paths and question the status quo in order to be internationally recognised. We have a clear goal: IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems should be positively perceived as a pioneer in its established core areas of business, digitalisation & technology, health and life sciences on the national and international markets," explains Karl Ennsfellner, Managing Director of IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems.


Universum cooperates with the most important universities worldwide and is an independent consulting firm and the global specialist for employer branding. For over 30 years, Universum has been helping companies strengthen their employer brand for the long term and attract and retain the right talent. Through partnerships with thousands of universities and organisations, more than 1 million talents are surveyed annually. From November 2019 to April 2020, a total of 10,249 students in Austria, including 602 from IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, took part in the survey.