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Launch of Creative Pre-Incubator subsidy programme: turning

Creative Pre-Incubator (CPI) was launched four years ago.

The Lower Austrian start-up agency, the Creative Pre-Incubator (CPI) programme has received plaudits from across Europe as a model for the support of creative, ground-breaking new businesses.

Creative - Pre - Incubator

Launch of Creative Pre-Incubator subsidy programme: turning students into entrepreneurs.

IMC Krems kicked off its participation in the project last autumn. A panel of experts selected four projects for the CPI programme from a host of applications.

“I’m delighted that the CPI programme has been so well received by students at Lower Austria’s universities of applied sciences,” said Petra Bohuslav, the state’s provincial councillor for business and technology. The CPI is part of the province of Lower Austria’s Spin-Off strategy and prepares students specifically for the business start-up process. “In the first four years we have already supported 17 teams,” Bohuslav added.

Four teams from IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems caught the panel’s eye. Set up by Thomas Hauer, Mohammad Elzahaby and Katja Kvasny, imochs is a peer-to-peer communication platform for advertising casual jobs without the need for a middleman.

Jan Kreuter, Simon Hasenauer and Enzo Duit got the nod for their project warrify, a virtual archive for product guarantee documentation – users can save their documents in the warrify app manually, by scanning documents or by submitting the relevant receipt by e-mail. The app gives users an overview of products they have bought and when the guarantee period for a particular product expires, and also allows them to contact sellers at the press of a button.

The third project was online travel agency beDidius, set up by Judith Bräuer, Nadja Messinger and Hakan Güngör, which auctions commercial accommodation. The provider specifies a reserve price, which the customer cannot see. The customer makes a bid which is accepted if it is equal to or higher than the reserve price.

The SportSolution team, comprising Florian Platzer, Florian Schweiger and Nikolas Tichy, were also accepted onto the CPI programme. SportSolution delivers football boots and equipment directly to a specified address for a flat-rate monthly fee. In addition, customers receive a goodie box with handy products for all kinds of sportspeople four times a year.

CPI project manager Peiman Zamani explained: “This programme enables university of applied sciences students and graduates to transform innovations into start-ups or professional business plans, with the support of CPI experts.” 

“The CPI programme is another milestone in IMC Krems’ drive to give our students ever more detailed insights into setting up a business. And the IMC Co-Working Space in the heart of Krems provides the ideal infrastructure,” commented Florian Ruhdorfer, Head of Business Contacts and Career Services at IMC Krems.

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