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IMC Krems Summer School: Success through digital innovation

International collaboration and practical workshops promote digital expertise

The annual Summer School took place at IMC Krems from 30 June to 12 July 2024. Twelve students from three renowned universities - Humber College, Canada, Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, China and Universidad CUNEF Madrid, Spain - took part in this intensive programme.

IMC Krems Summer School 2024

Twelve students from three renowned universities took part in the IMC Krems Summer School 2024.

Diversity of the participants

The participants comprised students from the Bachelor in Nursing, Bachelor of Creative Advertising and Bachelor Culture and Heritage Management programmes. This diverse composition encouraged an interdisciplinary exchange and made it possible to benefit from the different perspectives of their fellow students.

Practical workshops and seminars

The Summer School programme was designed to provide students with essential skills for the digital future. Practical workshops and seminars covered topics such as intercultural communication, the application of digital trends, digital business model innovation and creativity and innovation management. By combining theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, the participants were able to apply and deepen their skills in a real-life context.

International co-operation

The participation of students from different countries and disciplines emphasised the international character of the Summer School. This global networking enabled the participants to expand their intercultural skills and make international friends.

Valuable experience and networking

In addition to the academic content, the Summer School offered numerous opportunities for social activities. From a guided tour of Krems to a traditional excursion to Dürnstein and a day trip to Vienna, the students were able to experience Austrian culture first-hand and make valuable contacts.

Conclusion and certification

At the end of the Summer School, the participants received a certificate with 6 ECTS points, which confirms their newly acquired knowledge and skills. This certificate is a valuable element in their further academic and professional careers.

The IMC Krems Summer School 2024 impressively demonstrated the importance and value of international cooperation and practical education in today's digital world.

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