Logo IMC University Of Applied Sciences Krems
Event #Info Events#Open House#Wirtschaft#Gesundheit#Naturwissenschaften & Technik#Angebote für Schülerinnen und Schüler

IMC Open House 2025

A visit of IMC Campus Krems

Still undecided? The IMC Krems Open House helps with your choice of studies.

This event is for:

  • The interested public

Getting to know IMC Krems

The Open House is the largest info event of the IMC academic year. You definitely should not miss it – due to the fact that the choice of a degree programme will become easier for you after this event. We will take you on a journey to IMC Campus Krems: 

Some of the highlights

  • Chat with our students and professors
  • Get familiar with our locations and the buildings
  • Receive the best tips for your application and the admission procedure
  • Get to know Krems - your temporary home - and learn more about leisure activities, sports and living


IMC Campus Krems
IMC Campus Krems

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