Über uns - Mitarbeiter stehen im vor der Gozzoburg

Our university: innovative, international, people-focused

Since it opened in 1994, our university has built a reputation as one of the most innovative and international higher education institutions in Austria.

Impressive results in a range of rankings underline the high levels of satisfaction among our students from Austria and abroad: the top marks that IMC Krems receives year after year in Universum’s Talent Survey, for example.

Education with a personal touch

IMC Krems was founded as the International Management Center (IMC) in 1994 by Dr. Heinz Boyer, who is now the university’s Supervisory Board Chairman and majority owner. Eight years later, on 1 April 2002, we were awarded university of applied science status. Since then, the university has grown rapidly. IMC Krems currently offers 17 bachelor and 10 master degree programmes, as well as 3 continuing education courses – about 50 % of programmes are taught in English. Our programmes are closely linked to the university’s core focuses of business, health and science & technology.

The university education we provide stands out for its exceptional practical focus and emphasis on leadership and soft skills, as well as the extensive language-learning options available to students and project-based teaching in small groups. We do not think that our university should be an “educational production line”. First-hand learning experiences are fundamental to our teaching approaches.

About us - man stands on stage and gives a speech
About us - teacher gives lecture in front of pupils
About us - Management with employees
About us - a man presses a pin on the map

International – and not just on paper

Our international environment defines day-to-day life at IMC Krems: we have 170+ partner universities, cooperate in many partnership programmes and have attracted students from 50 different countries. Intercultural exchange, internships abroad, participation in international research projects, and lectures from teaching staff and guest professors with extensive international experience are part and parcel of what we do. Around half of all degree programmes are taught in English – an especially attractive aspect for foreign students.

Our university's international focus

About us - two ladies stand on a stand and explain something to a gentleman

Strong partnerships for outstanding career opportunities

Establishing close ties between teaching, research and industry is a major priority, and is a crucial part of how we prepare students for the job market. 90% of all students find permanent employment within three months of graduation, thanks in no small part to the compulsory internships or research placements they have completed.

Career Services at our university

About us - Management with employees go over the bridge

Open leadership culture

The Executive Management and the Academic Board form the University Management of IMC Krems, which is responsible for the university’s strategic direction, positioning and development.

Executive Management Mag. Ulrike Prommer und Mag. Dr. LL.M.(Com) Udo Brändle

The Executive Management

Mag. Ulrike Prommer and Dr. LL.M.(Com) Udo Brändle form the Executive Management team at IMC Krems. Their deputy is authorised signatory Michaela Sabathiel.

As integral part of the University Management, the Executive Management sets the university’s strategic direction. In this respect, representing the university externally, concluding strategic partnerships and maintaining links to stakeholders are core responsibilities.

Mag. Ulrike Prommer Dr. LL.M.(Com) Udo Brändle

The Academic Board

Rules of procedure govern the responsibilities, periods of office, rules of proxy and election procedures of the Academic Board, in accordance with the Fachhochschulgesetz (University of Applied Sciences Act).

The Academic Board is responsible for managing the university’s academic affairs.

The Academic Board is currently made up of the Academic Head and the Deputy Academic Head of the Academic Board, degree programme directors, representatives of the teaching and research staff, and students.

Academic Head


Chair of the Academic Board: Prof.(FH) Mag. Dr. Martin Waiguny
Academic Board
Deputy Chair of the Academic Board: Prof.(FH) Mag.(FH) Dr.phil. Manfred Pferzinger

University Management

At IMC Krems, it is our goal to avoid a separation of the "academic side" and the "management side".

The University Management, therefore, is composed of the Executive Management and the Academic Board. Together, the members of the University Management jointly develop the strategic orientation and positioning of IMC Krems.

The University Management is chaired by Ulrike Prommer. Dr. LL.M.(Com) Udo Brändle is responsible for the areas of research and innovation and is working hard to further advance the international orientation of IMC Krems. The Academic Head Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Martin Waiguny is constantly evolving the academic side of our university.

About us - the supervisory board of IMC FH Krems

The Supervisory Board

IMC Krems is a Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (limited liability company). It is owned by IMC Consulting GmbH, which has a 70% stake, and the City of Krems, which holds the remaining 30%.

In July 1998 we put in place a Supervisory Board, which is elected at the annual general meeting.

The current members of the Supervisory Board are:

  • Heinz Boyer, Chairman and the founder of the managing company
  • Peter Molnar, Mayor of Krems
  • Michael Schwarz, solicitor
About us - the entire team of IMC FH Krems

The IMC Krems team

We currently have 300 employees and our headcount is growing from month to month. Our lecturers, researchers, service department personnel and apprentices all make important contributions to the success of our university. At IMC Krems, people are at the heart of everything we do.

 Our Team Work at IMC FH Krems