Angewandte Gesundheitswissenschaften - 3 Studierende besprechen ein Ergebnis

Applied Health Sciences master degree programme

Find innovative solutions to challenges in healthcare provision using interdisciplinary and multi-professional approaches. The focus at every stage: patients’ needs.

Diversity, culture, sustainability, ethics and applied research – these are the topics that underpin the part-time Applied Health Sciences master programme. This broad-based degree will prepare you to take on operational and strategic responsibilities in a range of occupational areas.

The degree programme

Do you have a degree in a healthcare-related subject apart from medicine – in one of the high-level allied health professions (Gehobene medizinisch-technische Dienste), or midwifery, for instance? Are you looking for a new challenge? IMC Krems’ part-time Applied Health Sciences master programme offers you the opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills with a university qualification.

From exploiting new digital technologies such as telehealth and e-health, to integrating health-related innovations and managing interdisciplinary teams – this master degree will enable you to seize the opportunities and respond to the challenges in healthcare provision today.

You will learn about multi-professional and interdisciplinary research, which addresses practical questions to drive forward professional practice. This will enable you to make a significant contribution to bringing about improvements in non-medical healthcare professions after completing the course.

The degree programme is based on broad multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary foundations, providing you with extensive scientific and research-related knowledge, as well as insights into the latest trends and technologies. After graduating, you will be in a position to apply your knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of the occupation in question, with a view to analysing and solving problems.

Get the full programme details in German

" The practice-based project, which students work on throughout the programme, is a stand-out feature. Students define a challenge or problem facing practitioners in their occupation, develop innovative solutions – as part of a multi-professional team and in collaboration with the interested parties – and implement their solutions in the third semester. To maximise the impact of the project result, students also work on their professional presentation techniques. "

Programme director Andreas Lichtenwörther


Choose your own focus areas. You select one of two electives on the degree programme. Elective courses are held in semester 3.

Child and Adolescent Health

The health of children and young people is influenced by external factors wherever they are – in their bedrooms, in their families, in kindergartens and schools, at the playground and when travelling in cars and buses. In other words, in the environments in which they live. Child and adolescent healthcare services are still largely provided at various health centres and facilities, but research suggests that this is not the best approach.

The family and social environment are crucial to the health of children and young people, and factors such as contemporary lifestyle and psychosocial stress are leading to a dramatic increase in mental disorders in these age groups.

Health provision should therefore chiefly take place in children’s and young people’s environments and families, and there should be a stronger focus on their needs. The result would be more cost-effective services and, more importantly, improvements in the quality of life, health and well-being of children and young people and their families.

This calls for a revolution in health provision, promotion and prevention, as well as curative care and rehabilitation. Applied health sciences can play a pivotal role in improving patient care in these areas.

Palliative and Hospice Care

The number of people with progressive, serious, life-threatening and fatal illnesses is growing due to medical and technological advances and increasingly precise diagnosis. Such conditions can have a dramatic, life-changing impact on sufferers and their loved ones.

In addition to nursing and medical care, palliative and hospice patients also require other types of support – for instance, help carrying out day-to-day activities, maintaining their social life and quality of life, and addressing feelings connected with unfulfilled lifelong dreams and the pain, sorrow and fear they are experiencing.

Patients’ families and friends frequently want to provide support, perhaps by performing pain relief procedures, giving assistance at mealtimes or helping with body care activities. Patients’ loved ones also require support, so they can cope with the physical and mental strain, working through their fears and saying goodbye.

A range of professionals from various fields of applied health science will play an important role in providing this support.

Career paths for graduates of the Applied Health Sciences master degree programme

After completing this degree you will be fully prepared for taking on high-responsibility roles at a range of healthcare facilities in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Thanks to your wide-ranging knowledge and skills in science and research, technology, and interdisciplinary approaches, you will be able to work in a salaried position or on a freelance basis.

You will focus on safeguarding provision of and optimising sophisticated, high-quality and cost-effective healthcare services, as well as the development of professional practice. Graduates of the programme will help to bring about a paradigm shift in healthcare, driven by an even stronger focus on the needs of empowered, well-informed patients. You will play an important part in shaping digital health and care.

The overriding goal: long-term improvements in the health and well-being of patients and clients. As a graduate you will also be ideally placed to assume important responsibilities at primary care facilities, with the objective of ensuring basic structures for the provision of primary outpatient care. You will also be capable of developing new e-health and e-treatment services for a range of settings, including general practice.

  • The professional areas open to graduates include
  • Retirement and care homes
  • Professional associations and interest groups
  • Educational institutions
  • Diagnosis
  • E-health
  • Healthcare and social services organisations
  • Health promotion and prevention
  • Educational and research institutions
  • Management
  • Mobile healthcare facilities
  • Primary healthcare centres
  • Private and group practices
  • Private and public hospitals
  • Product development
  • Rehabilitation centres
  • Outpatient clinics and day-care facilities
  • Science and research
10 good reasons

What makes us special? We are more than happy to tell you about the aspects of our university, which we are especially proud of.


Friendly and cosmopolitan: The city attracts students from all over the world, who come to study, research and work together.

Service centers

Our university has removed a host of administrative hurdles, leaving you free to concentrate fully on your studies.

Advisory Service

Do you have questions regarding our degree programmes or the application? Contact our Prospective Student Advisory Service.

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Our team

Get to know the core team of our master degree programme Applied Health Sciences.

  • Prof.(FH) Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Tucek | Head of Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences / interim Program director Angewandte Gesundheitswissenschaften - IMC Fachhochschule Krems
    Prof.(FH) Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Tucek
    Head of Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences / interim Program director Angewandte Gesundheitswissenschaften

    Head of Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences / interim Program director Angewandte Gesundheitswissenschaften

    Prof.(FH) Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Tucek

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