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Business Administration bachelor degree programme

Tailor-made for tomorrow’s managers: the perfect mix of business administration, the latest in information technology (IT) and a strong practical focus get you ready to assume operational management responsibilities.

You’ll have plenty of options open to you at the end of your three-year degree. Regardless of the industry or specialism, this part-time programme is the ideal preparation for launching your career or moving on to a postgraduate degree. In-depth IT-related expertise is a particularly valuable asset.

The degree programme

In the current age of digitalisation and rapidly changing, competitive global markets, prospective managers have to contend with major challenges.

This part-time bachelor programme offers an outstanding blend of business administration, new technologies, soft skills, law and English – a unique combination.

This opens up new opportunities at the intersection of different specialisms – such as marketing or management controlling and IT – as well as typical career paths for business administration graduates.

Some courses are taught in English, which helps you to take your language skills to the next level. There is also the option of spending the third semester at one of our partner universities, and completing an internship abroad in semester 4.

After completing your degree, you have everything it takes to enter the world of business – you have a range of options for taking the next step on the career ladder or you can enrol on a postgraduate programme.

Get the full programme details in German

Business administration

Business administration focuses on how companies are managed and organised. In other words, it examines business processes with the aim of providing insights into the planning, implementation and evaluation of responsibilities, approaches and objectives in different parts of a company.
Business administration topics include accounting and finance, marketing, human resources and logistics.

Core topics

The programme stands out mainly for its combination of business administration and IT know-how.

New technologies

You will analyse the latest trends, as well as the risks and opportunities associated with new technologies.

Basic IT knowledge, programming, data processing, IT law, enterprise resource planning (ERP), content management systems (CMSs), search engine marketing (SEM) and e-marketing: the programme shows how innovative technologies can simplify and support business processes.

The aim is to turn you into an advanced user with state-of-the-art IT expertise.

Business administration

Future managers will need one thing above all: a general education in economics and business that enables you to keep an eye on the bigger picture and effectively spot risks and opportunities. In parallel, knowledge of IT and digital trends is becoming an increasingly decisive success factor.

Do you want to set up your own company? Or are you interested in taking over an existing enterprise, maybe a family business? If the answer is yes, this is the programme for you.

You will receive a detailed introduction to the start-up process – from the business idea to the business plan to managing the company. There is a core focus on assessing risks and opportunities, as well as the latest financing options.

In addition to your courses, you can make use of the services of our Founders Lab and thus already implement your first start-up ideas during your studies.

Degree programme Business Administration - A woman is standing in front of the Wing G
Degree programme Business Administration - A woman with a laptop
Degree programme Business Administration -  A group of students sits on benches in front of the Wing G

" Courses such as Programming and Data Processing enhance your knowledge of IT. After graduating, you are in a position to take decisions and work as a ‘translator’ at the interface between management and IT in your company. In other words, we won’t train you to be a mechanic, but a very, very good driver. "

Programme director Doris Berger-Grabner

A formula for success: theoretical knowledge + practical experience

The programme is built on three pillars.

  1. 1

    1. The basics

    Semesters 1-3

    You will gain a solid, broad-based grounding in core business administration topics such as marketing, accounting, finance, economics and selected aspects of law, business mathematics and statistics.

    This is complemented by expertise related to new technologies and IT applications, as well as soft skills and business English.

    In the first semester you will start working on a multi-semester project, applying theory in the context of an innovation process as part of the new technologies section of the programme.

  2. 2

    2. The practical training

    Semesters 1-6

    Professional skills are directly incorporated into the curriculum of the part-time programme. In the first two years, you are required to complete a workload of between six and ten ECTS credits of 25 hours each per semester at a company of your choice.

    The benefit for you: you gain valuable professional experience or can continue working for your current employer. You will be studying alongside fellow professionals, which makes for lively and informative class discussions. You can debate questions together in groups and share your experiences with each other. Case studies, project work and lecturers from the business world  are all part of the programme’s strong practical focus.

  3. 3

    3. Advanced courses

    Semesters 5-6

    The skills you acquire in the opening semesters will be fine-tuned during the rest of the programme.

    You will cover managerial tools such as integrated accounting, management control, business organisation and organisational development. Starting a business, start-up financing and selected legal aspects are also part of the curriculum.

    Courses such as Web Content Management and E-Marketing are designed to broaden your knowledge of new technologies. The programme will help you to consolidate your English skills, and you will also be required to write a bachelor paper using academic methods.

    One of the highlights is the business simulation in semester 6. This enables you to bring together your knowledge of the various topics related to business administration. The aim is to assess the interactions between different departments, analyse complex business situations, and develop strategic approaches for your project.

Our team

Get to know the core team of our bachelor degree programme Business Administration.

  • Prof.(FH) Mag. Dr. Doris Berger-Grabner, MA | Programme Director Business Administration - IMC Fachhochschule Krems
    Prof.(FH) Mag. Dr. Doris Berger-Grabner, MA
    Programme Director Business Administration

    Programme Director Business Administration

    Prof.(FH) Mag. Dr. Doris Berger-Grabner, MA

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