Studium Hebammen - Zwei Frauen halt ein Baby

Midwifery bachelor degree programme

As a midwife, you will work together with women and their families to provide the support, advice and guidance they need throughout their pregnancy, as well as during the birth and in the following days.

Our three-year Midwifery bachelor programme will equip you with all the necessary tools, preparing you for hospital-based duties as well as freelance midwifery work.

The degree programme

This programme will provide you with all the skills you need to practise as a midwife. Preventive measures will be an important aspect of your work – one of your tasks will be identifying complications for both mother and baby. You will ensure that essential medical assistance is provided and will know how to perform emergency procedures.
The degree has a strong practical focus, which we think is especially important. Numerous simulation activities enable you to apply your theoretical knowledge directly in class. Each semester you will complete a practice placement, gaining experience in a range of different wards. The elective and compulsory internships in semester 4 can both be done abroad.

As a graduate of our bachelor programme, you will be eligible to practise as a midwife in accordance with the Hebammengesetz (Austrian Midwifery Act). You will hold a professional qualification which meets European standards and enables you to work in other EU countries – a big advantage.

Get the full programme details in German

The Midwifery profession

Midwives provide support and care for parents-to-be before and during pregnancy, as well as during the baby’s first year of life.


Supporting couples who are trying for a baby is the focus of midwifery work before the pregnancy stage. During pregnancy, you will monitor the development of the foetus and prepare the parents-to-be for the birth and life with a new baby.

It goes without saying that you will be at the birth to care for the mother-to-be and check the baby’s vital functions. You will be able to identify critical situations and provide medical assistance.

Your job will then be to continue to support the new family in the days following birth and during the child’s first year of life. For example, you will show mothers how to breastfeed and advise parents on infant nutrition.

Studium Hebammen - Frau hört den Bauch einer Schwangeren ab
Studium Hebammen - zwei Hände drehen eine Uhr
Studium Hebammen - zwei Studierende üben mit einem Baby

" You don’t have to be a mother to be a good midwife. This course is also for men and young women. What’s important is your ability to deal with stressful situations in a calm, composed and rational manner, and apply your expertise in line with the specific circumstances. "

Programme director Ulrike Schuster

A formula for success: theoretical knowledge + practical experience

The programme is built on three pillars:

  1. 1

    1. The basics

    Semesters 1-4

    In the first four semesters you will acquire a wide range of knowledge in general and midwifery-focused anatomy, physiology and pathology.

    We will teach you basic midwifery skills, provide you with insights into health promotion and prevention, and develop your academic skills with a view to the bachelor paper you will write later in the programme.


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    2. Practical experience

    Semesters 1-6

    Building up lots of practical experience will help you get off to a great start in the profession. That’s why you spend one third of your degree on placements at healthcare facilities.

    The required practical training is part of your total workload in each semester. In semester 4 you have the opportunity to do some of your practical training abroad – and we’ll give you advice and coaching throughout the process.

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    3. Advanced courses

    Semesters 3-6

    From the midway point of the programme you will build on your existing skills. This will involve working with fellow students on complex case studies and topics.

    You will explore and discuss difficult areas such as bereavement and other psychosocial topics, and supervision sessions will help you to effectively process your experiences during the practice placement.

Our team

Get to know the core team of our bachelor degree programme Midwifery.

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