Hochschule für alle - Senioren und Kinder im Lift

IMC Krems – a university for young and old

Our university is committed to sharing scientific findings with the public, and has opened its doors to students of all ages.

A responsible university

Introducing young people to science and research from an early age and providing lifelong access to higher education are important socio-political aspects of our mission as a university. In 2006 we launched Lower Austria’s first university for children and young people.

We have also regularly opened our doors to retirees since 2012, when our SeniorInnenUNI education programme got under way. 2017 saw the first Youth Day, which took place during Youth Uni week.

Collaboration with the Province of Lower Austria, partners and schools

And that is not all: other activities connected with communicating science to the public have included initiatives and events.

Some examples: Science Class, the Science Fair, summer Talent Internships, the Junior Life Science Meeting, the Long Night of Science and Research, the Lower Austria Research Festival, Enjoy Science, Science Market, the Studieren probieren university taster day, Science Training, as well as collaboration with schools to organise research days at IMC Krems. In 2017 we also submitted a proposal for the Sparkling Science project.

A point of contact for various events

With such a wide range of projects being organised, IMC Krems has established a unit responsible specifically for coordinating activities aimed at young people of pre-university age.

A university for young and old - couple looking at the camera
A university for young and old - seniors and children sit on a stairs
A university for young and old - Children are standing in front of a poster

IMC Youth University Krems

At our Youth University, children aged between 10 and 13 can immerse themselves in the fascinating world of science and research for a week. The event is conducted in German.

The youngsters attend lectures and workshops focusing on a variety of subjects. The young IMC Krems students have the opportunity to ask questions about things they’ve always wanted to know.

LAUGH + LEARN every day = the YOUTH UNI way

The Youth University kicks off on Monday with three lectures, which all the kids attend. Then on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, they choose from one of three lectures on a topic connected to the theme of the day.

The youngsters also select which afternoon workshops to attend themselves – and there’s something for everyone on the timetable! The lectures and workshops are planned by IMC Krems lecturers, as well as experts and the university’s cooperation partners.

How it works

If you would like your child to participate in the IMC Youth University Krems, they have to register – just like at a real university. There’s also a curriculum containing the programme of lectures and workshops, and a graduation ceremony.

But the kids won’t have to sit any exams, since our slogan is: LAUGH + LEARN every day = the YOUTH UNI way. 

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Children are standing in front of a poster -  Boy experiences virtual reality
Children are standing in front of a poster - Children are standing in front of FH with bags
Children are standing in front of a poster - Girl is happy about her graduation

The Youth University concept

For just EUR 9, your child can get a feel for university life, find out about fascinating subjects and make new friends.

Monday-Friday: five full days

The Youth University normally takes place in the second week of July. The children attend captivating lectures and engaging workshops from Monday to Friday between 9am and 4.30pm.

International day

The lectures and workshops at the Youth University are held in German, except on Friday, our international day. On this day, your child selects one language from a list of options and spends a morning getting a taste for it, as well as for the culture of the respective country.


Just like at the end of a real university degree, the week culminates with a graduation ceremony on Friday afternoon. The children help with the preparations, and are invited to toss the mortarboards they have made into the air at the end of the ceremony.

Meeting new people

Youngsters who attend the Youth University meet lots of other young students and find out about a number of different countries. Do you think your child has an open mind and will enjoy learning new things? Great, because it’s easier working as part of a team.

9 euros for the whole week

The young students receive everything they need to participate. This includes a Youth University bag and T-shirt, as well as a folder containing the curriculum, in which they can also keep all of their handouts.

IMC Youth University Krems: a great concept

The Youth University comprises a balanced mix of lectures, workshops and the international day.

  1. 1

    1. Lectures


    The programme kicks off on Monday with three lectures, which everyone attends. From Tuesday to Thursday, each morning your child can choose from one of the three fascinating lectures on offer. These are all tied to that particular day’s special theme and cover a wide variety of subjects – meaning there’s sure to be something for everyone.

  2. 2

    2. Workshops


    From Monday to Thursday, the young students select one afternoon workshop to attend. We do our best to make sure that everyone is able to go to the workshops they want. However, this isn’t always possible, so it’s best to have a plan B, just in case.

  3. 3

    3. International day

    Friday morning

    Friday is international day. There’s plenty for the kids to discuss, find out about and learn: from short dialogues in their selected language, to general knowledge about different cultures and interacting with people from other countries, to problems associated with globalisation. The morning is a great opportunity for your child to get a taste for one of the languages on offer.

" Young people are our future. As a university, it’s very important that we bring subjects to life for them, and shape the future for – and together with – the next generation. "

Ulrike Prommer, IMC Krems CEO

A universtiy for young and old - girls are laughing in camera

FIT4YOUniversity by IMC Krems

FIT4YOUniversity is for 14-19 year-olds and gives young people who can no longer attend Youth University the opportunity to spend a week at IMC Krems and get a feel for the exciting world of science and research. The event is conducted in German.

Participants can choose the workshops in which they would like to immerse themselves. At lunchtime they can eat in the cafeteria along with their fellow students.

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What makes FIT4YOUniversity by IMC Krems so special

Young people aged between 14 and 19 can come to our university for a week of learning during which they can make lots of new friends.

Monday-Friday: five full days

FIT4YOUniversity takes place from Monday to Friday at the end of August and is open to all 14-19 year-olds. The workshops are scheduled from 9am-4pm each day.

Meeting new people

The young people get to know lots of other participants and find out about different countries. They learn a lot from this experience, including what team work is all about. They have the opportunity to get to know their new friends even better when everyone has lunch together.

9 euros for the whole week

Participants receive everything they need for the week when they register.

A university for young and old - Participants listen to the lecture

The IMC Krems SeniorInnenUNI

Would you like to:

  • learn about areas of voluntary work which you may be suited to?
  • apply your know-how in the course of your voluntary activities?
  • set yourself new goals for your retirement?

Then the SeniorInnenUNI at IMC Krems is tailor-made for you – our continuing education programme for retirees, or people whose children have left home.

You will take eight modules over four semesters. The focus is on developing skills and know-how required to participate in voluntary activities, for example in the social or healthcare sectors, at local authorities, neighbourhood organisations or societies and charities, for specific initiatives or for projects which you have set up yourself.

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SeniorInnenUNI: key features

The curriculum for the forth SeniorInnenUNI programme has a strong focus: voluntary work. SeniorInnenUNI alumni also have the opportunity to participate in the current programme.

Voluntary work

The aim of the programme is to promote voluntary participation in real-world projects, using an approach based on sound academic principles.

Lectures for alumni

Graduates of the 2012, 2014 and 2018 programmes can refresh their knowledge by participating in the modules at the 2020 SeniorInnenUNI. This is intended to foster close ties between past and present SeniorInnenUNI students and provide the impetus for new projects.

Building bridges between young and old

IMC Krems intends to create an open forum for dialogue between the university’s regular students and SeniorInnenUNI participants with a view to multigenerational access and the establishment of a platform for discussion.

400 euros per semester

Tuition fees for all participants are 200 euros per module or 400 euros per semester.

" The SeniorInnenUNI is a project that has always been close to my heart. In future, Lower Austrian senior citizens should continue to have the opportunity to enhance their skills and know-how at IMC Krems during their retirement. As multipliers, they can actively pass on their knowledge, as well as putting it to good use. "

Heinz Boyer, IMC Krems Supervisory Board Chairman

Contact us

If you have any questions, just send us an e-mail to marketing(at)imc.ac.at

Marketing & Public Relations

  • Sabine Steinkellner, MA
    Project Manager / Marketing & Public Relations
  • Bianca Taller, BA
    Projects / Marketing & Public Relations