Service-Stellen - Career Services Team

The IMC Career Service: welcome to your future

Our students receive an education with a strong practical focus. What’s more, we also guide them through the next steps – on the way to finding an internship place, a job, or becoming a freelancer or entrepreneur.

The IMC Krems Career Service builds links between companies and our students. We also see ourselves as a hub for the development of ideas and business models – to help start-ups get off the ground or introduce innovative approaches into existing companies.

Service Centers - 2 women talk to each other

How the IMC Krems Career Service supports students

Zertifikat - Outstanding Institutional OfferingZertifikat - Outstanding Culture and Environment
Service Centers - A man and a woman discuss something in front of the computer

How the IMC Krems Career Service can support your business

Fierce competition to recruit the brightest talents is now part and parcel of doing business. We can help your company find first-rate employees. The university has an extensive pool of students and alumni. So you have a good chance of finding highly qualified, motivated people. Connect with them at our Career Links recruitment fair or via the IMC Krems Job Portal.

Services for Businesses

Service Centers - A group talking to each other behind a glass door

Make the most of our services – and take the stress out of organising your internship

We provide you with support before, during and after your degree programme internship. Every year, we help between 500 and 600 students with the arrangements for their placements in Austria and abroad. In other words, we have plenty of experience.

Internship support for business students

All our degree programmes have one thing in common: they are designed with the requirements of industry in mind and have a strong practical focus. This means that you’ll gain your first work experience while still at university – during your compulsory internship.

When you’re looking for an internship place, we’ll be on hand to offer you advice and support. We’ll give you feedback on your written applications as well as interview tips. Our experts maintain contact with numerous companies in Austria and abroad that offer internship places. This is something that students find extremely beneficial as it makes finding a placement much easier.

We’ll also be there for you during and after your internship and always look forward to receiving the final internship reports from our students, who complete a diverse range of placements.


Student with 2 lamas

Practice placement support for students on our health sciences degree programmes

One thing’s for sure: the strong practical focus of our health sciences programmes means that you’re going to be spending a lot of time at different practice placement providers. But don’t worry, you’ll benefit from our extensive network of health sector partners when you’re looking for practice placement opportunities or when placements are being allocated.

During the course of your degree you’ll do practice placements in a range of specified areas. This will enable you to apply what you’ve learned in practice at an early stage. More and more of our students are opting to do a placement abroad – which is a fantastic experience.

We provide you with support before, during and after your practice placements.


Student with course director on internship

Internship support for students on our natural science degree programmes

You’ll gain workplace and advanced laboratory experience during the compulsory internship. And you can count on comprehensive support from us before, during and after your internship – from finding a placement to writing the application and sorting out a visa.

We offer you one-to-one coaching comprising analysis of your strengths and weaknesses to help you find an internship at an international company which is the perfect fit.

When looking for a placement, you’ll benefit from the department’s excellent network of contacts in research and industry. A few examples of popular internship providers: the University of Sydney and the Garvan Institute in Australia, and Boehringer Ingelheim in Austria.


Service Centers - A man and a woman talk to each other

Helping you to get ahead: job application and careers advice

Stop by for a personal consultation.

Is this where I want to be? Is this the industry for me? How long do I want to stay in that position?

A lot of students take advantage of our advice service to help them identify priority areas and plan their educations and careers in more detail. We are a team of experts who can provide you with valuable support by asking relevant questions, opening doors and putting you in contact with the right people. Our aim is to help you find out what your next step should be.

Applications advice including CV check

Not sure if your CV will make the right impression? Let us take a look. It’s often the small details that matter. We know what companies and HR managers are looking for. Benefit from our experience and get a head start when applying for jobs.

We also offer interview technique coaching and can advise on the best companies for you to apply to. Let us help you identify the organisations that are the best fit for your education and skills profile.

Information on labour law and on working in Austria and abroad

Our advisers can assist with very specific queries to do with areas such as labour law, insurance and visas. We’re here to help!


Bärnstein bottles set up

Advice for founders

We’d love to give you and your start-up a helping hand. Get in touch at any time and a member of the IMC Career Center team will be happy to answer your questions.

We also offer a range of services for prospective start-up founders via our Founders Lab, the Creative Pre-Incubator programme and our Co-Working Space.

More on our services for founders

3 employes in front of a screen

The IMC Job Portal

Connecting companies with our students and alumni

We have long-standing relationships with a large number of companies in Austria and abroad. Students and alumni of IMC Krems are in high demand in the job market. Sometimes we’re able to put our students and graduates in direct contact with potential employers. Alternatively they find each other via the IMC Job Portal.

There’s also lots of useful content on our new Job Portal, including advice on internships and job applications, details of our upcoming careers events and information on our alumni services.


Service Centers - Overview of the Career Fair

Career Links: the IMC Krems recruitment fair

Save the date: IMC Krems’ next recruitment fair – for both jobs and internships – will take place on Tuesday, 25 March 2025.

Held at the university, the event is an opportunity for students and graduates to connect with companies. We see ourselves as a link between these groups – a facilitator that helps to put employers in touch with prospective employees. So everyone benefits.

Students will have the opportunity to listen to several key notes and get to know 50 potential employers through our online fair tool.


Service Centers - A group speaks to each other

Over 50 top companies at IMC Campus Krems

The job fair is a great opportunity for companies to position themselves as an attractive employer. It also provides a valuable service for our students – whether they are in their final year or on the lookout for interesting internship options.

From local hidden champions to global players – we bring some of Austria’s top companies to Krems. The range of exhibitors reflects the university’s focus areas: business, digitalisation and technology, the health sector and life sciences.

" Through the partnership and professional cooperation with IMC Krems, we can offer students an authentic insight into the world of HOFER as an employer. We are excited to accompany the young talents during their studies and to show them the diverse career opportunities in our company. "

Bettina Hauser, Director Human Resources S/E, HOFER KG

IMC Career Service

The IMC Career Service is located at IMC Campus Krems, Wing U. No matter what the topic is: Let's make an appointment. The team around Mag. Florian Ruhdorfer supports you during and after your studies at our University of Applied Sciences.

Contact us: career(at)

Corporate Relations

  • Mag.(FH) Florian Ruhdorfer | Head of Corporate Relations - IMC Fachhochschule Krems
    Mag.(FH) Florian Ruhdorfer
    Head of Corporate Relations

    Head of Corporate Relations

    Mag.(FH) Florian Ruhdorfer

  • Mag.(FH) Nicolas Aron
    Corporate Relations / Department of Business
  • Martina Edhofer, MA
    Corporate Relations / Department of Business
  • Gabriele Schweiger
    Assistant / Corporate Relations

Internship support

Do you have questions regarding the internship semester or need help finding a suitable internship?


Corporate Relations

  • Mag.(FH) Florian Ruhdorfer
    Head of Corporate Relations
  • Mag.(FH) Nicolas Aron
    Corporate Relations / Department of Business

Institute Biotechnology

Institute Nursing Science

  • Mag.(FH) Gudrun Sengstschmid, BScN
    Internship Coordination / Department of Health Sciences

Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences

  • Mag. Doris Weinberger, BSc
    Internship Coordination / Department of Health Sciences