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UP University

UP University is an alliance of 10 like-minded European universities and universities of applied sciences, deeply embedded in their regional ecosystems. The initiative aims to address the societal, industrial, and educational needs of the regions in which each partner operates through interregional collaboration.

With UP University, 10 European higher education institutions are united by a shared mission to foster “Responsible Living for the Next Generations”.

Members of UP University: Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, DOBA Business School, FH Münster, HAN University of Applied Sciences, KROK University, Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk), Università del Piemonte Orientale, University "Fan S. Noli", University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia and Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau

Cooperation at a European level

Alongside our university of applied sciences, the partner universities include Artevelde University of Applied Sciences in Belgium, DOBA Business School in Slovenia, FH Münster in Germany, HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) in Finland, Università del Piemonte Orientale in Italy, UNIKO University of Korçé in Albania, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia in Spain and Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau in Romania. In addition, the KROK University in Ukraine is participating as an associated partner in this project. All partners have an applied approach and are located in mid-sized, non-capital cities that span the four corners of Europe.

UP University’s members have already established a strong track record as quadruple-helix actors and, therefore, foster a strong cooperation between science, government, industry and society. In terms of scale and population, the 10 UP partners collectively support over 125,000 learners per year, with numbers ranging from 3,000 to 30,000 across individual institutions. Together,  we offer a wide range of study programmes for students at different levels – ranging from bachelor degree programmes up to PhD programmes.

Despite our extensive offering in exact sciences, the majority of our students are enrolled in programmes related to societal and behavioural sciences. The UP consortium’s wide range of study programmes is offered in 13 different languages in addition to English. This diversity is an asset for incorporating multilingualism and language bridging skills in the learning competences.

One common goal

It is UP University’s mission to foster responsible living for the next generations. Within three Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) domains – 3, 11, and 12 –, our consortium will educate and empower citizens, including our students and staff as well as regional stakeholders, to take social responsibility in addressing present and future challenges.

Through this empowerment, we will equip citizens to contribute to better outcomes for their regions and society, leaving a positive legacy for future generations. The promising combination of geographical balance, varied expertise, skills, and resources within our consortium will collectively drive our shared mission.

By incorporating common European values and guiding principles, UP University plays a pivotal role in shaping a generation of citizens who are not only academically proficient but also socially aware and responsible. At UP University, we are guided by:

  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion: We strive to create equal opportunities for participation and growth for every UP member, regardless of their identity and possibilities. Our geographical spread and the integration of Western Balkan and Ukrainian (associated) higher education institutions demonstrate our intent to involve students, staff, and quadruple-helix stakeholders from EU border countries in our virtual, blended, and physical activities, promoting excellence in higher education across the European continent.
  • Sustainability and responsibility: UP University commits to diligently assessing the environmental, social, and economic impacts of all its actions, ensuring that they contribute positively to the well-being of current and future generations.
  • Human-centred and holistic approach: UP University places the needs, experiences, and well-being of our students, staff, and quadruple-helix stakeholders at the forefront of our decision-making processes. Recognising the interconnectedness of education, research, regional collaboration, and societal impact, we promote comprehensive solutions to regional challenges.
  • Forward-thinking and entrepreneurial mindset: Committed to continuous improvement based on data-driven insights and comprehensive 360° feedback, UP University’s forward-thinking mindset empowers students, staff, and quadruple-helix stakeholders. Together, we embrace a relentless drive to address challenges and create value through resilience, versatility, and continuous innovation.
SDG 3: good health and well-being
SDG 11: sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12: responsible consumption and production

Status quo: Sharing common challenges

While global and European challenges, such as the energy crisis, labour shortages and the growing threat of societal polarisation, often constitute high-level, complex issues that require European (and global) coordination, they are frequently tackled more accurately and agilely at the level of the regional ecosystem, where their impact is most acutely felt.

Tackling challenges together

More often than not, solutions need to be piloted at a regional level before they can be upscaled to the European context. Regions, in short, not only strongly feel the need for innovation, but also hold great potential to drive it.

Yet Europe’s challenges not only call for regional innovation: they also demand changes in individual citizens’ mindsets and behaviour. While especially younger generations, particularly students, are increasingly willing to act on their responsibility to the planet and our communities, they often experience thresholds in realising a sustainable, responsible lifestyle. This is because, for instance, energy-efficient housing or sustainably produced clothing remains prohibitively expensive to many and sustainable innovations are not always sufficiently promoted or disseminated.

Logo UP University

A boost through solution orientation on the European level

We pursue our mission by co-creating innovative solutions to high-priority challenges with and for regional stakeholders and providing future-proof and solution-oriented education. By upscaling regional solutions and implementing them with the end-user in mind, we will make impactful change a reality at the regional, European and individual levels.

The close collaboration within the UP University network will enable us to upscale our impact to an interregional and eventually European level by systematising exchange, increasing capacity and combining complementary expertise.

To accelerate our mission, the consortium is submitting an EUI (European University Initiative) application to Europe. The EUI aims at establishing alliances between higher institutions from all across Europe, for the benefit of their students, staff and society. It is implemented primarily through Erasmus+ funding.

Contact us

If you have any questions, just send us an e-mail to international(at)imc.ac.at.